Intramural Program Overview
The essence of the intramural program is captured in the motto "Learning While Having Fun".
Intramural soccer focuses on learning in a way that is all about fun. The goal is to introduce children to soccer and sportsmanship. An emphasis is placed on teaching the fundamentals of soccer while fostering a love for the game and sports in general; a love that will hopefully last a lifetime. The Intramural Program introduces children to the benefits of physical activity and seeks to develop confidence and creativity that will serve them well beyond the soccer field.
The Intramural Division is a grade-based program starting with children entering Pre-K and continuing through to children entering second grade. Each year, the program runs over two seasons following the school year calendar. The first season runs from September into early November and the second season runs from late March or early April into June. Children remain on the same team for the entire year and the registration fee enrolls the child for the entire year. Boys and girls are separated at all grade levels of the Intramural Division.

Grade Division Details
The basis for learning in the Intramural Division is that more time with the ball creates a greater interest in the game and increases a player’s skill level. Starting in kindergarten, this method of instruction is accomplished by skills training coupled with playing “micro soccer”. Micro soccer is small-sided 3v3 or 4v4 games that maximize the number of touches each player can have on the ball. For each grade the rules evolve as the players develop. In 1st grade, the players graduate to 4v4 games with kick-offs, goal kicks, corner kicks, and finally throw-ins. For 2nd grade, the games are 6v6 and players are introduced to referees and the rule of offsides. Following 2nd grade, players graduate into either the travel or Interleague program.
Boys/Girls Practice days (Location varies based on field availability)
Kindergarten: Monday/Tuesday Evenings
First Grade: Thursday Evenings
Second Grade: Friday Evenings
Game time and location:
Pre-K: Saturday AM @ Rec Center
Kindergarten: Saturday AM early PM @ Rec Center
1st Grade: Sunday PM @ South Side Middle School
2nd Grade: Sunday PM @ Covert
Uniforms & Gear
Each player is supplied a game uniform consisting of a shirt, shorts, and pair of socks/shin guards.
Parents are responsible to provide footwear and a soccer ball.
Molded cleats are the recommended footwear but sneakers are acceptable.
Kindergartners and 1st graders play with a size 3 soccer ball and 2nd graders use a size 4 soccer ball.
Players should wear cleats and shin guards and bring a soccer ball and drink to all practices and games.
Parents are asked not to bring snacks to practices and games

Registration is conducted on-line in the spring for the following year. The intramural year follows the school year with a fall season and a spring season. The registration fee covers participation in the fall season and participation in the spring season. Purchase of a uniform, consisting of a shirt, shorts, and socks/shin guards, is an additional charge. Players are encouraged to wear the same uniform for more than one year and only purchase a new uniform as necessary. Once the open registration period ends in July, registration is still accepted, but a late fee is charged. Teams are formed in late August. The fall season begins the weekend following Labor Day and the spring season begins in early April.
Teammate requests are encouraged in kindergarten so children can start the program with a friend. After kindergarten, intramural teams are balanced based on ability so teammate requests are not honored. The purpose of balancing teams based on ability is to create an enjoyable experience on the weekends with teams competing against an equally matched opponent. An added benefit is children meeting other children from throughout the community